Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Obligatory Olympics Post

I feel that with something like the Olympics going on, I should probably at least mention them once or twice in my blog.

I'm not really a big watcher of sports. I don't normally watch any of the professional sports (even hockey, which is almost obligatory for Canadians). I'll watch football now and then, but only because SouthernKitten likes it and there is often beer involved.

The Olympics are different though. I've found myself watching the oddest things, but only because they are in the Olympics. I watched part of the men's rings competition, it looks hard, and I don't think I'd like to upset any of those gentlemen, but it's really an unusual program selection for me. I watched triple jump, which is interesting, but an odd concept. I watched rowing, and gymnastics and countless other sports. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not constantly sitting in front of the TV watching them, it's just that they are always on.

The sport I've probably enjoyed the most though, is beach volleyball. And not just for the reasons JV enjoys it. Also because this is the first summer in a few years I haven't played it myself (no, not at anything bearing any kind of resemblance to the Olympic level), so I miss it. (I also miss Ultimate Frisbee, but it's not an Olympic sport [yet]).

Just how cold is it?

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