Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I used to hate people like me

I was late for class this morning. It was the last class of the course and while I enjoyed the content, I did not enjoy the timeslot. I don’t think I actually ever made it to that class on time. 8:30 in the morning just seems ungodly early at this juncture. Which is my point, really. Before August of last year I was a responsible adult. I went to work, consistently got up before nine in the morning and put in at least 7.5 hours of work every day. Occasionally, in talking to a (usually younger) friend or relative who was still in school, the person in question would lament evil pre nine AM classes and absurdly long four and a half hour days. I would usually quietly grate my teeth, glare and then remind them that every day I got up earlier and worked longer.

Now I am that person. (and more often than not SouthernKitten is the one doing the glaring)

Just how cold is it?

At my house:

Where I grew up:

Where my brother (The communicator) is:


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