Thursday, August 19, 2004

Random Pants

I took my second and last exam of the second half of summer this morning at the unreasonable time of 8:30 this morning. (see I used to hate people like me) It went fine and I was only slightly late. Fortunately for me, it was another multiple guess test (I knew it would be) which is something I do well, so time wasn't even remotely an issue.

With school out until Labour day I'm going to be roaming about the province for a bit. So, I filled the rest of the day with a combination of napping (yes, students suck) and generally tidying the house in preparation for an extended absence and possible guests when I am here. I collected dishes that had been left in random places around the house, I did laundry, I mowed the lawn.

While mowing the backyard, I made a bit of an unusual discovery. Pants. I found a rather dishelved pair of what looked like athletic pants whose owner I thought had likely been a teenaged girl. Now, I'm pretty sure that had there been a murder or assault of some nature in my neighbourhood I'd know about it. This is Canada, these things are big news.

Now, my standard of dress has dropped considerably over my year spent as a student. While a was working I didn't often wear a t-shirt without a button up shirt over top, and always tucked in. I shaved almost every day and wore shoes and socks. Things have changed a bit over the past year. My normal attire is jeans and a t-shirt (not tucked in), I almost never wear socks (this will likely change when summer ends...) and have grown a beard.

There are a few things that haven't changed though, and one of them is pants. Occasionally they may be shorts, but once I'm dressed for the day, pants of some kind are included. And I can't think of a time when I might have misplaced my pants during the day.

I know there's likely some benign and boring reason as to why there were pants in my yard, but what fun would that be to write about?

As I mentioned, I'm going to be out of town and traveling for the next few weeks. I'll be going as far north as Orillia and as far south as Kentucky. I don't know just yet what this is going to do to my update schedule. Possibly nothing, or on the other extreme, you may not hear from me until September. Time will tell...

Just how cold is it?

At my house:

Where I grew up:

Where my brother (The communicator) is:


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