Monday, August 16, 2004

Tests,Talking emails and SouthernKitten is in Vegas

SouthernKitten left on a business trip to Las Vegas at a little before three today. After several hours of flying and a stopover in Atlanta she has now arrived in Arkansas. Well, 35,000 feet over Arkansas. She should be on the ground in Vegas in a couple hours.

I've been telling SouthernKitten that her flight will be uneventful, and even fun. She, however, is convinced that the plane will plunge flaming into the desert and she will die a hideous death. Seems Southern Kitten just doesn't like flying that much. I promised her that her plane would arrive just fine. She did not find that promise to be at all comforting, as if it turns out I'd lied she would be unable to hit or bite me. Personally, I think that should be counted as a plus.

I also wrote the first of my exams today. 55 multiple guess questions. No big deal. With any luck the second will also be this easy.

I also discovered Talking email today. If you're in Canada you've likely seen the TV commercial it's based on. It's such fun. I encourage you to check it out and send amusing emails to your friends and family. I have personally already sent four of them. Fun fun fun.

(Edit - SouthernKitten has informed me that she has successfully landed in LV. No flames involved.)

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