Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Ding Dong

A few years ago my mother spent some time doing bereavement counseling for a funeral home. Consequently, conversation at home sometimes strayed into funerals and funeral planning, and I acquired a definite morbid streak to my sense of humour. This story involves a little of both.

For a long time my mother has said that she'd like the hymn "Ode to Joy" to be played at her funeral. For those not familiar with it, it's based on Beethoven's 9th symphony and is a hymn I actually rather like. Mother has not been subtle about the fact that she'd like it played.

One day we were sitting in the kitchen of my parent's house and Beethoven's 9th came on the radio. Seeing a opportunity to remind me again about her hymn of choice, Mother asked if I remembered which one she wanted. Without missing a beat I answered "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead?".

This is the part of the story where a look of shock normally crosses the face of whomever I happen to be telling it to.

Mother, however, thought this was just about the funniest thing ever. She's told countless people (who also tend to adopt shocked expressions), including the organist at her church.

He thought this was a grand idea and agreed to cooperate if she went before he did. Initially the plan was for him to work it into the miscellaneous organ doodles that are used to fill the silence during a church service. Since then the plan has escalated. Now the plan is to include the song as a hymn insert.

Just picture a priest standing in front of the congregation and saying:

"And now please stand for the next hymn, found on the insert, Ding Dong the Witch is Dead"

Aw, common, that's funny! Wipe that look of shock off your face!!

Just how cold is it?

At my house:

Where I grew up:

Where my brother (The communicator) is:


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