Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election Results, or Lack Thereof

Well, it's almost three o'clock in the morning as I write this, and I officially give up on staying up long enough to get the results of the US election. I also give up on trying to outlast Dan Rather (I switched to CBS for the Dan Ratherisms).

I did, however, outlast SouthernKitten, Mary and my family so we'll call that a victory for CanadaDave!

The results as they hang now, rest on what happens in Ohio, a state I spend a lot of time driving through, and home of 40 foot Jesus. At present the networks disagree on whether Bush has Ohio, but it looks like the margin will be smaller than the number of provisional ballots. They can't even start being counted for ten days. I am not staying up for ten days!!!

Eleven states also voted on whether to ban gay marriage. At least ten passed bans and the last is up in the air. Yeesh. It looks like a lot of American voters failed to read my Oliver Wendell Holmes entry. Really... I'm straight... So long as straight marriage remains legal, why should I care about what gay men or women do?

But, whatever. American gay people can still move here to Cold Cold Canada where we have not managed to ban gay marriage quite yet.

And if Bush does win, reasonable Americans should also consider relocating here to Cold Cold Canada... Or possibly their states should consider succeeding from the Union and joining Confederation...

Especially Hawaii... It'd be nice if Canada were a little less Cold.

Just how cold is it?

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