Thursday, October 28, 2004

Astronomical Phenomenon

In case you don't follow such things, there was a lunar eclipse last night. I watched off and on and even tried to take a couple of pics of my own. Sadly my little cam was just not up to the task of taking clear photos of the moon. Or possibly it was and I just had no idea how to do so.

I've had a minor interest in astronomy for a while. Not enough to study it properly, but enough that I like to go outside and look up at whatever interesting and/or unusual phenomenon pass our way. Comets, meteor showers, lunar eclipses are all really neat to me. I can identify a few of the constellations and a couple of planets.

Well usually...

I remember a while ago I was out doing something or other with DevilBoy. I think I may have dragged him out to do some political canvassing of some sort, but I'm not really sure, and it's not important anyway. What is important is that I saw what looked like a star with a faintly red tinge to it. Clever guy that I am I immediately deduced that it must be Mars and pointed it out to DevilBoy. He disagreed, and said it clearly wasn't. We went back and forth like that for a little while. Right until "Mars" flew right over us, sounding suspiciously like a light plane...

I'm pretty sure that actually was an eclipse, though.

Just how cold is it?

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