Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Fun With Computers

I wrote my second midterm of the semester yesterday and since it was a Flash program written for my computer class, I figured I'd post it here.


It's a little rough in places, but that's what happens when you only get about three hours to write something. Hopefully that'll get me a decent mark, though.

Learning Flash has been fun. I'd played with it a little before, and done some programming in different flavours of Basic and Visual Basic, so I had a little bit of a head start.

I've written a fair number of fun little programs, one or two of which might still be in use at my last job.

One of my favourites was a simple little program I wrote in (I think) GW Basic over a decade ago, back in the days of MS DOS.

When run it displayed the following:

***WARNING*** (flashing)
Auto destruct sequence initiated!
Please stand at least 50 feet away from the computer.
Destruct in 30 (counting down to 0)

When the counter got to 0 I believe it did something anti-climatic like say "boom."

My brother, The Communicator and a friend of his installed that program on the computer of a friend of theirs. The set up was perfect. They'd had the machine taken apart for one reason or another, then when their friend wasn't looking, had set this little gem to start when the computer was switched on.

Apparently when it came up he yanked the power cord out from the wall, pointed accusingly at my brother and bellowed "WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?!"

Maybe later I'll try re-writing that in Flash...

Just how cold is it?

At my house:

Where I grew up:

Where my brother (The communicator) is:


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