Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Rude Awakening

I had a very pleasant stay in Lexington this past weekend. Well, mostly.

Sunday morning left a little to be desired.

SouthernKitten and I were peacefully sleeping as reasonable people tend to do at 5:30 AM on a Sunday. Then her neighbour's radio started playing loud enough that I wasn't sure it wasn't the radio next to the bed.

After a few minutes we decided that I should go knock on her neighbour's door and ask them if they'd please turn it down, seeing as it was stupidly early Sunday morning.

I got dressed, tracked down the source of the music and knocked. The music stopped and a short tubby girl in her PJs answered. I thanked her for turning off the music, explaining that it had woken SouthernKitten and I up, and went back to SouthernKitten's apartment and back to bed.

All was great. For about six minutes. Then either ShortTubbyGirl turned the radio back on, or she'd just hit snooze before and the radio had come back on by itself.

A few minutes later I got dressed again, trudged down the hall, and knocked again. No answer. I knocked louder. No answer. When I came back to SouthernKitten's apartment she advised that she'd actually heard the second knock.

Surely no one could be rude enough to blare their radio at that time, ignore a request to turn it off and then refuse to answer the door. Maybe ShortTubbyGirl was in the shower. Surely she just hadn't heard the radio come back on, and then also hadn't heard my knock. That had to be it.

SouthernKitten and I tried vainly to sleep through the 80s hair metal that was assaulting us through the wall, hoping against hope that ShortTubbyGirl would step out of the shower at any time, realize what was happening and switch off the awful awful music.

After another half an hour we decided that this was not going to happen. Once more I got dressed, once more trudged down the hall, and once more knocked, even louder this time. Once again there was no answer.

When I got back, SK told me I'd practically shaken the building.

Clearly ShortTubbyGirl had no interest in discussing her crazy loud music with me and was determined to disturb our Sunday morning (Hence her less than flattering pseudonym..).

We were going to have to change tactics.

We decided to see if the landlord could do anything. But, being reasonable people, decided to wait a few minutes and not wake him before seven AM.

We went to see the landlord. He was bleary eyed and didn't seem to understand my Canadian accent. But he did understand SouthernKitten and would see what he could do.

A few minutes later we heard him knock and shortly thereafter the bad bad music stopped.

I don't know why ShortTubbyGirl answered the door for him but not for me, and I didn't care that much. I was just happy that we could get back to sleep.

I felt that clearly we were justified in napping well into the afternoon.

Just how cold is it?

At my house:

Where I grew up:

Where my brother (The communicator) is:


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