Friday, November 26, 2004

American Thanksgiving Contest!

It's been a longer week than I really expected, hence the non-completion of the car story, which I will get around to later.

In the meantime, in honour of American Thanksgiving, I have decided to run a small contest for prizes of completely negligable value!!

I've been using Gmail for a couple weeks now and it's probably the best free webmail service I've encountered. Today I received some Gmail invites to distribute at my discretion. Now, I could sell these for upwards of a dollar each, but instead I will be giving one of these away to each of the first THREE people who email me and request one! (my email is hidden somewhere on this page)

It's probably too late to be the first on your block to get Gmail, but you can hopefully avoid being the last!

Just how cold is it?

At my house:

Where I grew up:

Where my brother (The communicator) is:


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